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  1. #1

    Some crafting tips

    It took me a while to figure some of this out, so I thought I would share it for anyone else who might be trying to figure out crafting.

    You can sort gathered materials. If you open up your resource bar, and right click a resource, it appears on your back. Open up your equipment window, and you will see what you're holding in the bottom row. Right click the resource, and select yes. Note - you must have 4 open inventory spaces! You will get some random items. This is where you will get the basic items for crafting, like wool scraps or screws.

    To craft -

    When you open up the craft UI, you will see a list of the items you can make. Click one, and it will show you the tools and mats you need.

    In order to craft, you must actually drag the material from your bag into the craft box. If an item needs thread, any kind of thread will do (I assume this is the case with everything, like cloth means any cloth). So if you have wool scraps, make wool thread, then drag the wool thread onto the thread icon in the recipe. If you have cotton scraps, make cotton threads, etc.

    I will take screenshots if this isn't clear, and someone wants them. Hope it helps!

    A super special thanks to Celestial Fury, who helped lead me from the mountains to the junk piles!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Some crafting tips

    Some items come from sorting junk, other items come from scavenging. There is no skill involved in sorting out the junk you find in junk piles - at least you gain no skills that way.

    Some items you will have to scavenge for:
    huge drill bit, old metal pipe, various handles and tool heads. There are quite a lot of things that just don't come out of junk piles.

  3. #3

    Re: Some crafting tips

    Oh woops, I was unclear. I didn't mean all items came from resourcing. Just the ones like threads. It was pretty much just a quickie post. It literally took me hours to figure that out. >.< So I thought in case someone else was having the troubles I was, I'd put it up.

  4. #4

    Re:Some crafting tips

    I wasn't criticizing, I was clarifying

  5. #5

    Re:Some crafting tips

    I'm just embarrassed that it took me so long before I tried moving the items into the crafting UI. I sat there for ages going: metal screws aren't screws? Wha...? Is that a bug? :blush:

  6. #6

    Re:Some crafting tips

    eikona wrote:
    Note - you must have 4 open inventory spaces!
    So, this is what gets me. Is there a recipe for crafting more inventory bags for the other slots, because as soon as I realized this in-game, I stopped to try to figure out how to be efficient in crafting and inventory management. Doesnt seem to be much in terms of being able to manage inventory and craft if 1/3 of your pack must be open to craft.

    What am i missing? Can I drop stuff that Im not currently using on the ground? Will it disappear quickly if I drop sorted-out things on the ground? Is there a recipe for crafting an inventory chest?

  7. #7

    Re:Some crafting tips

    If you figure that out, let me know. Bag space is at a premium.

  8. #8

    Re:Some crafting tips

    You will have to wait till the recipes for bags have been added to the list of craftable items.

  9. #9

    Re:Some crafting tips

    You can drop unsorted bundles of raw materials from junkyards on the ground and they will not disappear. This allows some level of organization, though bags will be very nice when we get them.

  10. #10

    Re:Some crafting tips

    one idea thatll work for now, make some alts and have them drop their bags in a secure location (hidden somewhere) and bring your piles of junk to that place. You can open the bags while they are on the ground and have those two along with the one on your back.

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