Virtus wrote:
Kunra wrote:
Virtus wrote:
Our focus right now is to make sure the server is 100% stable, to eliminate client crashes and fix critical bugs.

so, no
Over the past week I have been having flashbacks from day 1 Alpha for FE while reading the reports of stability. I saw the pains FE went through to gain stability.

I also saw how long it took, starting to rethink my pre-ordering of Xsyon.

I really hope there a a few "miracle" patches to come.

Not looking forward to multiple Updates a day several times a weeks.

I'm not even ingame, but based on what I have read so far, starting to lose faith.
every single update has increased the stability of the server and from what I am being told and personally seeing it is almost there. At least it appears the core of the problems are gone to me. Now to go through with a fine toothed comb and get w/e remains.
Problem is, I have seen the "major" updates go live then 2-3 days of minor fixes. Thta was what ocurred every single week in FE because the new "builds" were completely new and were far from tested. Is that what I am looking forward to here?