Quote Originally Posted by Eyesgood View Post
Now I will mention what is perhaps the greatest difference between the two games - to me. In Xsyon, you can own land but only a tiny piece of land unless you are in a village that has a population which allows more land. In Wurm, you can have as much land all to yourself as you can afford. Yes, land cost silver coins (in game money) and the costs to play Wurm are much higher than Xsyon because of it. But the fact that I can own my own private village (my current primary deed is 6000 game tiles in size) makes Wurm the winner for me overall. The second greatest difference to me is the end game. Xsyon's end game is a small village full of baskets of items you will probably never use. Wurm's end game is a deed of your own, crafting what items you want with skills you chose to master, and selling those items to other players in a market that is very mature. Just take a look at the Wurm Online forum and you will see that.
One thing I find odd is that you are willing to pay for the monthly upkeep, plus the starting price of a 6000 game tile deed, which is about 37x37 sq radius Wurm tile side deed. Which is about 260$ USD give or take change in currency ratio, but if you were do buy accounts in Xsyon for that, you would have 8 or 9 accounts, and never have to pay monthly again for the upkeep giving you a 42x42 sq radius Xsyon totem range.
Not sure how you count Xsyon is "tiny" then use wurms as a better way. Now if you were to take that monthly cost you are doing in wurm, you could by a new account every 1 or 2 months, giving you even more space up to 200x200 sq radius in Xsyon.

Now I will agree with you on the economy point, and some of the other aspects, but the radius and size does not make sense. Having said that, note that Wurm has different sized tiles Xsyon is much more detailed in this respect, but I wouldn't call it "tiny".

Another thing I wanted to note, is the "end game" because the items in Xsyon end game are pretty solid level when you compare them to Wurm end game. Granted it takes longer to get to Wurm's end game gear, than in Xsyon, and Wurms are more powerful relatively, but I surely wouldn't say items you would never use. But because Wurms economy is more robust ( wouldn't say its good either) you can value it more.