Sorry for the late reply it has been crazy week at work (back to office after a year of work from home)

The workshops should resolve like 98% of the issues with the large UI. Its the edge cases where you need to deal with resource bundles, logs, sticks or grab things out of baskets that aren't going to be in a workshop or in a cart.

(im literally building most of my tribe area out of gadu blueprints... so its really noticeable.)

Like if im clearing a field inside of the totem area to save as much grass as i can before i terraform it. It wouldnt practical to load it in a cart 20 at a time just to craft out of the cart. For grass its actually easier to just gather the grass and then craft it directly to thread leaving the crafting window up the entire time.

for lumber i cut down all the trees im going to turn into studs/sheets/posts first until i get about 100-200 logs.. then we just process all of that while moving it into carts, then haul all of that back to the tribe area.

sticks are when you need to craft something like arrows, i use to like to leave the crafting window open so i could just craft arrows as i needed them.

I keep a stack of feathers and a craft knife on me so i could hunt with just a couple of arrows on me at a time.

In other games you are able to carry significantly more resources on you so the workshop should bring xsyon more inline with that freedom while making the player still work for it.

If you are crafting one or two things for the most part you wont notice. If you are crafting 100 wood posts to make habi posts or if you need to make say 800+ thatch you start noticing the menu is in the way.