Quote Originally Posted by Kinslayer View Post
Jooky confirmed to me in an email just yesterday, that tribes will take precedence over solo players for totem positions. This seems a clever way to do that.
Looks like he might have changed his mind today....

Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
So reduce the size of the homestead... simple solution!!

That is what I am setting up.

The plan to let tribes place totems first is to prevent griefing. Another potential solution is to not allow players to place a totem, then disband, then place, disband etc. which is too easy for solo players to do. If I can implement this then solo players will be able to start tribes the same day as tribes.
A great way to keep solo players or small tribes from griefing and placing totem and then turn around and disbanding in order to move about is to place a timer on them... here is what he had to say about that..

Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
You could always put a timer on "homestead" totem placement, once placed it CAN'T be disbanded for 24 - 36 hours, people would think about totem placement before just throwing one down anywhere.

Yes, this is what I'd like to do, if I can. The announced solution is to prepare everyone in case I don't have time. There are many things that need to be dealt with right now.

The main issue is not simply a solo totem claiming a lot of land. With the reduced land claim that should be ok. The main issue is other griefing tactics that have come to my attention.