k, where to start?
I have been playing since March 3rd, 2010, 5 days after the server went up, if I remember right. Here are a few things that the game is to me, oh and by the way I have been playing MMORPGs since EQ1.

Remember leaving Neriak and running out to Nektulos Forrest? Remember the first skelly you saw and wanted to run up and bash it? If you do... then you are on the right track! Xsyon is a game of discovering, just like the first time you ventured out of that spawn point. As my sig states, if you woke up in a desolate world, and you had a backpack with a few tools, and recipe book, and the clothes you had on... and you had to survive.... what would you do first ?

I see the question in game all the time... "Hey I just logged in, what do I do now?" Just my point... what do you do now? Too many games have a guy standing there with a ! or ? over his head and a shiny line on the ground that points you right to the next person. This doesn't!

So I found this scrap of paper in a junk pile I woke up on... some metal near by and a peice of pencil on it.... I thought I should keep track of what I am seeing in case someone finds me dead later or I need to share my findings with others. I am not sure how I got here or even where I am....

Day 1.
I have checked out my surroundings and found a lake nearby, its a large lake with some native North American folage and trees. From the looks of the surrounding mountains I could be in the Western United States. I have seen a few racoons, a coyote and a small black bear. Near my resting point where I woke up, I found a backpack with a few tools and a shovel. I am going to try and make a weapon or sorts so that I can eat.. darkness is coming!

I was able to kill a racoon, I skinned it, got a few bones and made a needle, with some leather strips I cut from its fur I was able to make some warmer shoes for my travels tomorrow. I need to find some shelter. Darkness has set in. First night here I come.

Day 2.
I woke to the sounds of chickens this morning, and a frosty surrounding. My shoes I made kept my feet warm through the night, if I can find a few more racoons I could make a full suit of warmer clothing.
The vegitation around offers a few oats and berries, I need to find something to start a fire today.

Was able to find some racoons and a coyote, got some warmer gear on, still need a fire, the stuff I am foraging for is not enough to keep my strength up. Saw a stream today, perhaps tomorrow a fishing pole. Still nothing to start a fire.

Day 3.
Was startled this morning to the sounds of voices, others? As I located a few others that were as in bad a shape as I was we talked about what had happened, no facts other then we all knew that the world we once knew was gone.

As I spent the day with these few others, we were able to gather some fish, kill a few more animals. I shared my knowledge of the warmer clothes and was able to make them some items as they gave me some fish.

One of them had a flint that he had found while looking for a sharp rock, fire at last, I think I will stay in the proximity of the warmth for tonight.

Day 4.
The sun hit my face and the warmth opened my eyes, I was alone again, no fire, and just as lost as I was 4 days ago. As I sit here thinking about what I know... no lights, no modern weapons as I remember, no radio or hell no technology as far as I can see.... nothing but mounds and mounds of junk. Today I am going to find some shelter, I need to find a way to protect myself, I will survive, but for how long is yet to be decided.

Found a belt buckle
some screws
10 metal bolts
an old saw blade

I am going to keep track of my inventory, there are all kinds of things that can be found on the mounds. There are even areas where cloth and leather pile up... I bet I could make some better clothes or even some make shift armor to help protect me.

I need a bigger basket or a larger backpack

Day 5.

Day 6.
So I have wondered a ways from where I woke up today... I have found an area I think I will try to make a place.... nice river near by, some trees, and of course a mound.

I will have a tarp done today, a tent by tonight.... who knows by tomorrow!

This gives you an idea of the start of your new adventure......