Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
Well the world building worked so damn well it bogged the server down so badly it had to be turned off....
The game is supposed to be in somewhat of a launch state in 2 weeks..
I am not going to be paying to beta test another half complete game.

You guys are FOOLS to think this is acceptable.
well i'm not going to argue whether it is acceptable or not, but anyone that did any kind of research would know that not all of the features would be there in prelude. I knew exactly what i was getting into but then again i'm not worried about the 40 bucks, i spend more than that on cigarettes in a week and twice as much in one night for a bar tab. Pocket change to me but i understand others point of view about it, even though i know xyson does and will have issue when launched i like what the devs or doing and willing to take a chance on a indie company trying to stray from the traditional MMO route. If this was a AAA title with a big budget and many more people on the team i would ahve a different opinion and expect more from them. It is amazing to me what just a couple people have done with xyson, i also have my eye out for another small team project too called "infinity quest for earth" which like xyson is almost a one man project.