lol, they are common abbreviations for networking, I'm just looking for someone to at least look at it as a possibility. I've seen similar behavior with major ISPs I had to argue with before they looked at their own network. The poor guys ran new lines, fiber all kinds of stuff they spent 2 months and it was a misconfigured router lol...
Basically my theory on this one is they have multiple IPs on their WAN.
In lamens terms, an IP is a house and the WAN is street. They have a whole freakin apartment complex with lots of IPs, but it's still going to the WAN or the street .

One of those many IPs they own is misdirected (in my theory) or routed wrong, so all those packets that should go somewhere, get dropped into nowhere, which creates a biggggg lag spike when your computer isnt' getting updates from their server anymore. Then error correction is like yo I'm not getting any data and I'm gonna disconnect soon, but their server does quality control and pushes the same data at a super fast speed (to catchup for the time you didn't get any data) down another IP that IS pushing to the proper route, and it stays on that route for a while so you go around lag free, and yer like ya this is schweet no more lag they fixed it!!! and then like 2 hours later you get that bad link again and lag all to hell.

That's my idea in theory I'm probably wrong but it's worth looking at.