you're really politicking for the carebear nation.

What do the devs want? Well, hmm, lets see, I think there were some items posted recently that kinda spell it out:
Who is happy with the direction Xsyon is going with being safe totems
everywhere, and no fighting for any resources?
As I've stated a few times recently, we're working towards expansion totems that will claim resources to be fought over. The agriculture system is intended to provide these resources, but as being discussed in another thread, I can adjust the distribution and availability of scavenged, and other current resources to provide contestable resources.

Jordi, speak up please. Make it clear what you want and what you will do.
Don't leave it to the players, it doesn't work. Let us know finally, and let us
know clearly.
I've stated it before, I want a balanced world. These arguments tend to polarize players as if the only choices are either a carebear's or griefer's paradise with nothing in between. What is my vision, carebear PvE or full or griefer PvP? Neither, I want a balanced world that will appeal to both sides. I think this can be achieved step by step and it needs to happen over time (hence the Prelude). If I could set in stone how to achieve the right balance, I would, but if it was that easy it'd be done already by a larger developer and none of you would be here in the first place!

My vision has never changed. What is required to bring about the vision is what changes because if things don't work out as intended, they must be rethought and reworked. That's how the game evolves.

The first step is the combat revisions. If combat is more fun and tactical, it should appeal to more players. The next step is finishing architecture so that towns can be protected and we can have contested expansion totems. From the other discussion I see that adding more meaningful rare resources and redistribution of these resources will go further than adding agriculture to provide a reason for contested expansions. All of this is being worked on right now.

The other thread ( started off providing good feedback that is easy for me to sort through and get some ideas of what the community needs. If I can get more civil feedback like that, without veering into these carebear vs pvp debates, I highly appreciate it.

We do also plan to send out email polls, but the combat and architecture revisions come first right now.
Of course this caused an outcry of WTF are you talking about? Could you be any less vague? Specifics!

And then we got:
Originally Posted by Larsa
With all my respect, Xsyon. A balanced world, a good goal - and a goal difficult to achieve.
I know it's difficult, but it can be done! If I wanted easy I'd be working for a big company right now and thinking of what fun things I can do this weekend.

I'm skimmed through the discussion and I don't see the sides as wanting too different of a game. It's in the details. The main questions seems to be about balance and risk and rewards.

For me, balance means enough choices so that both PvPers and non PvPers can enjoy the game, but without forcing players to play a certain way.

It's clear there are some players that would like to force PvP only on the non PvP crowd. That doesn't make for a viable game.

For those that want to fight each other, as I've stated before, we will allow tribes to set themselves as warring tribes as soon as we can, and this will have inherent risks and rewards for those who participate.

PvP in itself already comes with its rewards (you get to loot things rather than make, pay or trade for them). Yes, I realize players can lock packs to prevent looting right now. This will change. Not looting in water is a bug and will be fixed. There will also be death penalties (both PvP and PvE).

The redistribution of resources that I'm working on should automatically add rewards for risk. Tribal land won't yield the resources that open and expansion land does and a tribe won't be able to claim land near all valuable resources as they will be spread out. Travel will be necessary and travel through open lands is inherently risky.

I need to get back to work, but I have gleaned some good feedback from this discussion and I think a redistribution of resources and crafting improvements will go a long way. There are many things that clearly both sides of this discussion seek so we'll focus on those first.
So 'the Man' says he wants a balanced game.

Most of the back and forth in the other forum is about the balance between the do you balance the pvp goals with the pve goals and make them equally rewarding and not create a dominant 'best' way to play. I will say there are some extreme differences in opinion as to what that entails But at the end of the day, it's our issue to discuss, and Jordi's to implement...and then its up to the players to decide if they like it. So, our discussion over there is just that, a discussion where both sides are being adamant and vocal in their opinions...hopefully some decent ideas come out of it.

So, now here you come. Declaring that the current vision of a balanced world brings it on par with MO/DF. So while we're debating what balance is, you're declaring that should be no balance, and the game should focus strictly on the pve side of hte equation...hmm, i don't think your ideas represent the devs vision.

So, to turn things around, if you want a pve only game why not play mine craft, atitd, or any ofthe other countless pve only games?

It is obvious that the devs wants a game seamlessly integrates the pve and pvp goals and objectives...This is a horribly difficult task, and as the product is still basically a mid-alpha level game, the jury hasn't even recessed to decide if they've achieved it.

So why again are you coming in here declaring that any pvp focus makes it a mo/df clone?