Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
You get it don't you Wolf.

ddt and dub seem to need new batteries in their hearing aids...

I have not said ANYWHERE I wanted pvp gone or to not be a part of this game.

I always say ( pay attention guys ) PvP make for more excitement.

I am just extremely tired of seeing the same 2-3 people rant on and on about what they think will fix this game, and when folks don't agree with them they twist the op's words to appear that they support their view.

ddt and Dub do NOT speak for all the players.. maybe for a small and dwindling % of players... maybe

I will say it very plainly for those with inflated ego's...

PvP is and should be a part of this game.

PvE players are also supposed to be a part of this game.

I agree with Jordi's stated vision for this game and will support his efforts.

I am not a fanboi nor am I blind to things that are broken or need fixing, like the invisible walls I run into crossing the middle of zones .. Nor am I going to waste play time arguing with fools.

I am succeeding quite well in this game and continue to enjoy playing.

I do not personally want a rehash of the same tired game mechanics and do not believe what 2-3 want will make this game better. Disagree all you want, because it wont matter ... My style of player will still be here long after those whining the most are gone.
you realize that you're being a total hypocrite?
You call out ddt and i for speaking our minds, and giving our opinions on various things.
Yet, I could say the same things about the 'opposition'. I find myself having the same arguments with the same people over the same subjects.

Both pro and anti pvp players have quit en masse over the last couple months...And at this point they probably quit for the same reason...it's an unfinished product that they are unwilling to pay for. So you're statement presumes that 'your' position is stronger than 'ours' because 'our' contingent has diminished to a greater degree than yours, well I don't believe that's reality.

So, yes, we've been hhearing the panicked call of the carebear now for quite some time - OMG DO YOU WANT THEM TO MAKE ANOTHER DF/MO OMG GO PLAY IT THEN ALREADY LEAVE US ALONG LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE US TO OUR MUD HUTS AND SKIRT WEAVING AHHHHHHHH- and it's always the same thing. PvP players are rabid psychos only interested in how many people they can kill. That we have consistently tried to explain that this isn't true, present examples demonstrate, and generally tried (without a lot of success) to illustrate how we do want a balanced game makes no difference.

We get it. You don't like how we play. You'd prefer we're not around. You believe the game should be a 180 from where we want.

Thats great. Opinions are outstanding at this point...but yours is no more valid or relevant than anyone elses.

have a nice day.