Quote Originally Posted by KeithStone View Post
1. There seems to be around 20-25 players on at any give time
2. Community seems to be pretty good and willing to help, however there are always a few bad apples anywhere you go
3. Not much of an RP community right now, but doesn't mean you can't get one going there always seems to be someone who would rather RP than just sit and bs with players about nothing
4. Best dev team I've ever seen in such a small indie game, always posting updates and patch releases come out anywhere from 1-3 patch releases in one month- they also use a test server where anyone can login and test out the latest build when they have it turned on.
1. Forget his answers of how many players are online. It is not a DEV given answer and thus not at all correct. A lot of people do not bother with the global chat in this game. The last time I got an answer on online activity it was around 45 players. This was a good deal of months ago and the number has surely risen since then.
2. The community is awesome compared to many other standard MMO games (WoW, Aion etc). I suppose/expect it is like any other small game community though.
3. I've yet to see a proper RP community in any game. I can't comment on it in this either.
4. Awesome communication between DEVS and Community. The community have a major impact on this game, which is what I like about it. (Aren't a DEV always trying to improve their game..?)
4a. Remember that just because players want one thing, does not mean that the DEV can a) create this thing, b) want this thing, c) find this thing appropriate for the game. (In general I'd say it's a bad idea listening too much to players as they are biased as hell. A quick read-through on these forums should prove that point. First they wanted one combat system, then they wanted a second combat system because the old wasn't what they actually wanted in the first place..)

That's just my 2 cents . But I'm (apparently) a fanboi so you probably shouldn't listen at all to me..