Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
I'd love to see a working alignment system ASAP. But since being good/neutral has no benefits at all right now, just as being evil has no drawback, how would good players looting others hurt the game ?

I think he means just it needs an alignment system before getting a ton of people, else everyone wont care about killing and looting and you lose a lot of control.

Good/Neutral has benefits, just not coded in ones. As any player in game how they work. Its pretty simple concept. If you piss people off they will attack you, wont trade with you, they will cut your trees etc. Its already been happening and I think that's part of whats good about this game. I would like to see a few coded in reasons NOT to be evil, and some bonuses for both GOOD and EVIL. Doing what you want is a bonus, but it shouldn't be the only one. Just as being good so people wont be pissed at you is a bonus but it shouldn't be the only one.