Quote Originally Posted by frozencanadian View Post
Yeah I imagine putting a trial into any game that has player alterable world is one hell of a headache, and wish them the best of luck in trying to put one together.

I do understand that being a small starting up company, specially in the world of mmo's, would be hard aswell. I certainly never expected free anything from a company that is trying to develop under those circumstances, but barrier to entry does likely ward off impulse purchases to try the game. I'm not suggesting free, only that it perhaps should be looked into and be brought more in-line with market of indie titles. (imo I'd estimate 20-25, maybe more if you could offer some bonus in-game or on the forums for the extra support.) Increased purchases even at lower earning margin would likely pay off in a higher sub count. More subs, more exposure, free advertising, bigger community, players keep playing longer, all possibly helping the game thrive.
Well, I would advice any potential customer to wait a bit to see where this game is heading. I bought my first account in april and was really looking forward to the skill of cooking. Most people I talked to said its coming soon. Thereafter I learned that Soon(tm) is not necessarily meaning soon but more like "in the future". They have been fixing animal AI for at least 3 months during my time as a subscriber and they also added something called revenants (most ppl call them zombies though). We have also seen a cap on the number of skill points you can have in ea group of skills.

Based on the above I would say that the game is not even close to a completed stage since those changes are majorly affecting gameplay. Compare it to Blizzard introducing a completely new way of handling professions all of a sudden, followed by a severe nerf to armor/weapons.

Now it's august and not one word is mentioned about cooking. The latest message was about animals beeing checked (again) and a move to another webserver (high prio right now). I got fed up and cancelled both my subs and will wait for Arch Age or Repopulation or why not Salem or GW2. Those will surely not cost any less than this (except gw2) but will surely have lots higher standard to graphic, ui, playability and younameit.