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  1. #1
    Part 1
    A broken home
    (Its been 3 long months, i still havent seen the gods since that day the forger was kicked from the mount. Soon the power that held this city together started to leave, and with it the demigods began to go to earth, seeing as how the city started to crumble there was no place for us here anymore. Often i wonder where the gods went? What did the forger do to be kicked from the mount? And why cant anyone remember his name, im sure he had one. O well i guess its back to scaving)

    Sabre often let her thoughts drift as she scavenged the ruins of mount tathgor, sometimes she would find tools and items of great worth, othertimes she would go home empty handed. Always she would leave with memories, her home in all its glory before the gods left, all the demigods bustling about their daily lives. As she walks up to what use to be her house she hesitates to open the door, always wanting this to be some bad dream, wanting to walk through the door and be greated by her love. When she opens the door, always the same reminder of a broken home, so she lays the bag of items on the floor and begins to draw them out. First was a cube of green and gold with a center hole in the top, looking inside she could see no bottom, just endless space (this will work much better than my bag). Next was a buckler, the center was brass but around the edges was a glow of light (seems like a normal shield), sabre tossed the buckler aside. It hit the ground then shot light into the roof, breaking through the ceiling, Sabre stood up and picked the small thing up. Examining it she was clueless as to what happend, she hit it against the wall a few times but nothing happend, then she hit the handle and light shot out the front, breaking a wall in two and causing the house to grumble. Quickly she grabbed her bag and the cube, then ran out the house as it collapsed behind her (well it was bound to happen sooner or later, might as well find what i can and go down to the human world, im the last one that stayed anyway). Some time later when she could wait no longer, she sat on the cliff of the city, before the city lost all the magic there use to be a safety zone that kept people from falling, now you had to climb down the massive cliffside and hope you didnt slip.

    An hour later she staired into the portal room, it sat at the base of the mountain that let the demigods leave, powered by magic infused rock the portals would remain open until broken. Walking in it was dark, normaly the portals would offer light from the reflection of their destination but almost all the portals were pure green mist, except one. She wondered (what could lay on the other side? is this the last spot on earth that isnt dead? is he there?). After a moment she took a deep breath, and jumped through, stepping on the hard rock she looked around and saw she was on a mountain side, a bit to the south was the green mist, but to the north there was all these rolling hills surrounding a lake with a small island in the middle.

  2. #2
    Finally she had reached the bottom of the mountain, looking ahead was thick woods with a canopy so dense the light couldn't touch the ground. "Sometimes I wonder how bad my luck really is" giant spiders then scuttled out of the top of the trees and deeper into the woods "and it just gets better".

    As Sabre walked through the woods she had her shield and torch ready. Yet the more she thought about this place the more it clung on to her thoughts, something here is unnatural. Could it be the smell of wild berry pie, the deathly look of the trees, even the ground wasn't right, strange colors painted the ground. A shadow emerged behind her from a tree, it whispered "what a strange one". Sabre turned, swiping with her torch but nothing is there. The shadow reappeared behind her, leaning close it whispers "we may keep her like the rest". Slowly turning she only finds more trees and darkness "show yourself! Whatever you are". In response a little girls voice says "we don't like this one, she has long hair, we want it, so we takes it". (No I can't let this thing or things take my hair!) Sabre begins to Sprint into the woods, unaware of where she is going but sure of one thing (I will not go bald again). After a few minutes she slowed down to a stop and stared at a strange click set in a tree (am I dreaming or is this getting stranger every step?). The clock began to speed up faster and faster till it stopped, then a crack wedged it's way through it. The little girls whisper echoed across the trees "time will come and go, all you know will be lost, but you will never leave".

    Much time had passed since she stepped into the dark woods, now Sabre had started to loose her mind, running franticly to and fro until she slammed into something, hitting the ground she looked up to a man with a shovel staring down into her eyes. After a moment the man extended a hand toward her for assistance, it was caullised, his hair was down to his shoulders, he wore a brown shirt with brown pants. Standing on her own she continued to stair at him "who are you?". With a deep voice almost as a rumble "I am Damon, and you are?". Shakily she replied "I'm Sabre, I ventured into these woods to get to the lake but I got lost, plus this demon or shadow thing that sounds like a girl, and a bear... unless that was a bear and I didn't know it". Damon stared out into the long dark "well i set out into these woods to catch this demon and rescue any who fall into her trap, so far I've had little success". "What do you mean little success?" "I mean all who think about her feed her, the more you think of anything she is, what she does, the stronger she gets, she will turn your senses against you till you loose all sense, then she will end your life by your own hand". A shiver went down her spine "how do you know all this?". Damon looks into her eyes "because she is my daughter".

    I'm sorry my post aren't consistent, the holidays have caused much stress, but I will continue to stay faithful and write as I can, until next time

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