I would like feedback on all creatures if possible. Are specific creatures too hard, too easy or just right? What variables do you think need adjustment?

Here are some of my goals:


- Small creatures should be easy to kill, even for low skilled new players.

- The toughest small creatures (adult, high power) may be a challenge for a newbie or medium skilled player but still easy for a high skilled veteran player.

- Large regular creatures should be difficult but manageable to kill solo by a high skilled veteran player. Full legendary adult bears may require two or more tough players to kill.

- Mutants of all ages should be a challenge and require a group of medium skilled players. Young mutants would be as strong as an adult bear with at least medium combat power.

- Old age and legendary mutants should be difficult and require a group of veteran players to kill.


- All creatures that you attack should fight back. (If not let me know what specific creature did not attack back).

- As creatures take damage there is a chance they will run. There is a greater chance for small and weak creatures to do so.

- You should be able to turn and sprint away from a creature easily.

- It should be difficult or impossible to simply turn and run away at your normal pace.

- It should be impossible to simply back up to avoid attacks.


Variables need to be adjusted for all of this. Please provide feedback on creatures that seem too easy or difficult based on these goals.

Here are variables I can easily adjust:

- Creature hit points
- Creature base damage
- Creature attack ranges
- Creature attack rates (time between attacks)
- Creature rotation speed during combat
- Creature movement speed (walk, run, max speed)
- Creature healing rate
- Creature attack and defense variables based on age and power. Basically the difference between a new born and an adult or a creature with no combat power vs a legendary combat power creature.
- Creature aggro and reactions. Do any creature reactions seem off?

- Player weapons base damage
- Player weapon ranges
- Player weapon speeds (delay between attacks)
- Duration of stun effects

Please let me know if a specific creature seems too easy or too difficult based on my general goals or if you think any of the variables need adjustment for a specific creature or weapon type.

General feedback (For example: Bears are too strong) is fine. The more specific the feedback, the easier it will be for me to adjust the variables (For example: young raccoons should do 10 damage and have 40 life).

It may take a few rounds of adjusting variables but with the current system all of this is very easy to adjust.

Please stick to just creature feedback in this thread. I will start another for PvP and combat actions like dodge and parry.
