Hey all! (and developer if you're seeing this, you deserve more than an inclusive "all" since its your game)

I have been seeing a lot of mutated pets in stables around the game and was wondering if it is still possible to mutate pets and if so if there is any information on it. Since the community is small its nearly impossible to find details like this and I mostly just want some general direction rather than vague hints from people that don't seem to want to share info lol.

Is it even possible anymore or am I totally wasting time experimenting...For example: tried letting a baby pet and regular pet wander in the wasteland for a total of around 36 hours each.
If so Is there some actual information that can be provided so the rest of us can join in on the fun.... with such a small community I get how it can be cool to have secrets, but if we don't share some of the endgame content with new people might be hard to get us to stay the long haul or bring in new blood.

Thanks all!
