The War System that was proposed and discussed years ago is mostly implemented and running on the Test Server!

The system is not quite ready for full testing but players are welcome to start checking things out. I will update this post when I feel the system is complete enough for heavy testing.

War System:

- Tribes are allowed control over an entire region. To control a region they must have their Tribe within the region and then place 3 control totems within the region. Regions are the natural underlying territories such as Zephyr, King Beach, Crystal, etc.

- Currently any Tribe can place control totems. Only the Tribe Leader can place the totems but all Tribe members can see the current state and location of these totems in the Tribe panel, Totems tab.

- Control totems claim a small plot of land, 30x30 meters. They must be placed under the following conditions:

-- Control totems must be in the same Region as the claiming Tribe.
-- Control totems must be X meters away from each other. (currently 50m for testing)
-- Control totems must be X meters away from all tribes. (currently 50m for testing)
-- All 3 totems must be placed within X minutes of the first totem being placed. If the final totem is not placed within the time limits, the totems expire and are removed.

- After 3 control totems are placed, the totems and their associated lands enter a Preparation phase. During this phase, the claiming Tribe can safely build walls to protect their totems.

- At the end of the Preparation phase, the control totems and their associated lands enter the first Claiming Contested phase. During this phase, enemy Tribes can attack and destroy control totems and any buildings on their associated lands. If any of the control totems survives this phase, the Region is claimed.

- Once or twice a week control totems become Contested for a certain period of time (an hour). The Tribe Leader will be able to specify the time when a totem becomes Contested. If the Tribe Leader does not specify a time within a week of the last Contested period, the totems will automatically become Contested one week from the previous period.

- While Contested, players from other tribes can attack the control totems and destroy them. The goal during a battle would be to kill off your enemy while your tribe mates remain alive to protect the control totems.

- If all three control totems are destroyed, the Region becomes unclaimed and the attacking Tribe or Tribes can try to place new control totems to claim the Region.

- If even one control totem remains intact after the Contested period, the controlling Tribe retains power over the Region.

- If you are within a Region that your Tribe controls, you receive a ‘In Tribal Region’ buff. This buff will also apply to your Tribe's Allies.

- Control of a Region gives the Tribe and its Allies resource bonuses. Tribe members and Allies get:
-- 2x amount of scavenged resources
-- + 10 bonus to quality level (but not exceeding the max quality)
-- Increased chance of finding rare materials (Not yet set up)


- Keeping control over a Region will require some form of upkeep resources. This will be done through the Town panel.

- I am thinking of setting Contested Regions to be full loot PvP to add additional risk to these battles.

- Controlled Regions will give a chance for extremely rare materials or resources that would only be found on controlled Regions.

- Allowing all players to build ramps and platforms (to get over walls) when control totems are Contested. (I’m not decided on this yet as you will be able to destroy buildings to get through them).


The things listed in 'enhancements' above are not set up yet.

Currently I've patched only destructible walls. I haven't yet patched the models for Mason and Gadu walls. Not all architecture parts will be attackable. I don't think frames, for example need to be destructible as characters can pass easily through them. Especially at first, I will probably limit what architecture parts can be build on the control totem areas just to simplify things.

I haven't set up the Region buff to apply to Allies yet.

Questions for Players:

- How long should the initial Placement phase last? I think this should not be long, just long enough for players to run around a Region and get things started.

- How long should the initial Preparation phase last? This should be long enough for players to build some defenses.

- How long should the initial Contested Claiming phase last? This should be the same time as the normal Contested phase I think.

- How often should control totems become Contested? I am leaning towards just once a week to start off with.

- For how long should control totems become Contested?

I hope you all enjoy this system and all feedback is welcome!