Oh Geez where do we start? We start making a character but have no indication of what stats do nor any description of what skills will do. So it is basically a 'click and hope you get lucky' method. Then you get loaded into a virtual world. The UI has like 8 bars that tell you nothing. The game offers no direction (most sandboxes are capable of doing this much). Sure there is a post/link on the forums but no in-game direction what-so-ever. Now I see why Notorious does nothing to encourage customer confidence because if they tried this game would create zero customer confidence. Just 5 minutes of in-game chat proved that. This isn't Beta testing, this is Alpha testing that NG is charging people for, where most developers pay in-house testers to complete. With latest news of moving the release to August, is just more signs of vapor-ware. I'm sure the fanboi's will disagree and for NG's sake I hope I am wrong.