I thought 2012 was a Mayan thing? Not that the Mayans made predictions about 2012, just that the idiots that think something will happen in 2012 are basing it off Mayan calendars.
Mayan Calendars where being used to explain this prophecy, the calendar themselves was based on Olmec calendars, but because of the "prophecies" the calendar is typically accredited to Mayans.

Without doing research into it (till now) I thought the Omlec where based around this area (the Tahoe basin), however they too where located in similar places as Mayan - dang it.

The "prophecies" themselves where not something that is easily researched, with many people trying to make money from the hype, it creates what I call "the Christianity effect" - to many people telling the same story with their own embellishments which distorts the truth.

What I concern from the information I didn't discredit is that the prophecies themselves aren't so much 'expressed' as they are interpreted. The calendar has been thou two cycles that was able to be at least partly completed, however the Mayan civilisation was wiped out by or for unknown reasons, and the calendar restarted.

It would be my theory that this is the prophecy - if the Mayan calendar completed its full cycle and the 'first' Mayan died for some reason, then the second time the calendar reaches its end point something else should happen.

Collect the fears of Christianity, Ancient Egypt and other "end of world" feelings into the mix and you have yourself one prophecy that humans have always felt from early in the ages.

What weight they convey is something I am always changing my mind on. One moment its like if they all say the same thing in their own way, there has to be some form of truth in it - Christianity, Ancients Tribes and other belief systems can't have gotten it wrong all the time - however what is the truth amongst the lie will never be able to be deciphered.

Interesting 21 Dec 2012 at 11.11am GMT is the so called date and time for the prophecies.