Quote Originally Posted by BigCountry View Post
No need for a pvp pit.....

Menace to Society owns the south side of Lake Tahoe......if you want some....come get some.....

People are referring to the south as the "Trash of the World".....

We call it home.....

Bring lots of loot......

-Big Country and crew
Heh, some people prefer a "structured" contest 1 man vs. 1 man, with the "security" that someone else isn't going to jump into the action. Enjoy the South though. Hope you have fun, I'll have fun with our "Pit" as well as the arena I'm now planning to build.

Planning on making up a "ranking" system for gambling based on those that do participate's records in both the Pit as well as the Arena. But eh, if ya'll don't wanna join in on the fun, that's your perogative.