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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by sionide View Post
    Sounds like this game isn't for you. It's not for everyone. Plain as that.

  2. #2
    If something is a "grind" to you, it is not fun. If you are playing the game and having fun doing it, it would not be grinding. If you constantly find yourself saying "Ugh, I don't want to grind this crap", there's a good chance you are not having fun, and you should find something else to do with your time. It's pretty simple. Also, you don't need to waste more time posting a thread about it. Just go do something else.

    Thanks for giving your opinion about the game, I was desperately waiting to hear it, although I have no idea what you wanted to accomplish by posting this thread.

  3. #3
    @Mrcalhou yes fact i sugest to make craft mini games
    (dont remember exact post)

    About fishing ? Look wow fishing
    Easy way to become dynamic and prevent simple easy macro

  4. #4
    I win a bet!

    I knew 'grind' posts would begin before the end of march

    and I assure you it will go on for years

  5. #5
    Normal MMORPG definitions:

    Grind: Kill 20 rats for 100 experience each. Total 2,000 experience.
    Content: Talk to guy with glowing thingie over his head. Run to field of rats and kill 10 rats for 100 experience each. Run back to guy and get 1,000 experience. Total 2,000 experience.

    In today's theme park games, I find the content less fun than grinding because the running back and forth is less engaging than killing the marginally challenging rats. Back in the day when the way to level was to sit in one spot and pull rats until the players were half dead of boredom, hunger or both, that too was a boring grind.

    In Xsyon, I find no need to grind any one skill for long. My usual routine is to run a forage, scavenge, gathering route. Back at camp I see what can be made from the stuff I've found and put the rest into bins. Seldom do I repeat the same recipe more than 4-5 times in one route. This may be interrupted if a tribe member or neighbor needs a basket/tool/armor/weapon I can make. There are also occasional interruptions from four and two legged critters that need to be hunted and killed. If I get thirsty, I jog down to the stream where I might do a little fishing or make 20 or so bricks for the wall.

    To be sure, getting a craft skill to a high level, scavenging to the point where I can find good stuff regularly, finishing a long masonry wall or any other tough goal will take a lot of repetitions, but in Xsyon I'm finding there is less grinding the same set of actions over and over than in the competition.

    In Xsyon like the real world, you need to set your own goals or let your tribe set them for you. As others have said, if you need the guys with the glowing thingies to set your goals, this may not be the game for you.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thurgond View Post
    Normal MMORPG definitions:

    Grind: Kill 20 rats for 100 experience each. Total 2,000 experience.
    Content: Talk to guy with glowing thingie over his head. Run to field of rats and kill 10 rats for 100 experience each. Run back to guy and get 1,000 experience. Total 2,000 experience.

    In today's theme park games, I find the content less fun than grinding because the running back and forth is less engaging than killing the marginally challenging rats. Back in the day when the way to level was to sit in one spot and pull rats until the players were half dead of boredom, hunger or both, that too was a boring grind.

    In Xsyon, I find no need to grind any one skill for long. My usual routine is to run a forage, scavenge, gathering route. Back at camp I see what can be made from the stuff I've found and put the rest into bins. Seldom do I repeat the same recipe more than 4-5 times in one route. This may be interrupted if a tribe member or neighbor needs a basket/tool/armor/weapon I can make. There are also occasional interruptions from four and two legged critters that need to be hunted and killed. If I get thirsty, I jog down to the stream where I might do a little fishing or make 20 or so bricks for the wall.

    To be sure, getting a craft skill to a high level, scavenging to the point where I can find good stuff regularly, finishing a long masonry wall or any other tough goal will take a lot of repetitions, but in Xsyon I'm finding there is less grinding the same set of actions over and over than in the competition.

    In Xsyon like the real world, you need to set your own goals or let your tribe set them for you. As others have said, if you need the guys with the glowing thingies to set your goals, this may not be the game for you.

    great post

  7. #7
    Everything in life is a grind; it's just a matter of perspective.

  8. #8
    Play the game...not the grind

    The truthiness of this will be determined once we see the difference between a 100 skill toon and a 30 skill toon.

    If the difference in noticeable, but not remarkeable...bravo. We probably wont see a play to grind.

    If the difference is OMG I cANT COMPETE, well Houston, we have a problem...since then it will become a race to grind.

    Personally i cant say i'm doing anything except for individual or tribe need. I craft when it's needed, fish and forage when i'm hungry, kill when i have the opportunity.

    This could change in the future if the skill system has too much impact on performance (why should i got get in a fight against an opponent i know will wtfpwn me because i know he has maxed combat skills?).
    Again, hopefully this wont come to pass. would be bad for the game if it did imo.

  9. #9
    Its too bad you don't like it. I think you are only looking at it superficially. You are only looking at the first phase of the game which is the rebuilding of mankind. Since there are no cities, these must be build up first and will take a couple of months (guessing). If you enjoy world building, this time will be for you. After that however, will come the politics, the trading, the questing through totems, and a host of other social interactions that will make the world come alive. If you don't like the earlier phase, I would recommend you take a look in a few months, and it may be a little less world building oriented.

  10. #10
    Actually coming from Darkfall I would say this game "fun value" makes doing crafting seem as though its not a grind. I am not a fanboi so I see your point though. Would be neat if they could put interactive systems in play similar to lockpicking in Oblivion for crafting and gathering. Overall i am having a good time, but the wipes got to me.

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