necoo wrote:
[quote]Jadzia wrote:
you are a fool, who does not understand the implications of what you speak. How many thousands of people do you think would be out of the job without crime, how many millions. and not everything should be handled with consideration to the law. the laws that are made to protect us can vary well get in our way.

would you really stand ideally by wile you and your family are forced out of a home live on the streets with no food as you die in your own filth just because you want to be considerate to the law. do you really have such a strong will to bare with the grief and agony of the loss of everything and the death of all you love just because you didn't want to commit a crime.... not everyone has such a strong will, as for me i would kill without hesitation if the situation ever arises... not that it has
Those people would get a better job in a better word. What I really hope is that you are young...probably a teenager...thinking like this if you were an adult really showed problems. Everyone has a choice...the situation to die or to kill only happens when someone is threatening you with a weapon. Naturally you have the right to defend yourself and your family. But you don't have the right to take someone's life to fill your needs. If you think that you have the right for that then you are on the best way to finish your life in a jail.