Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
My opinion is that I dont want only players policing the server. I want a system with good and evil, with some safe areas for protections for newbs and other non pvp types.
Good. So you disagree with Trench.

You inferred that PVP FFA is the reason why other games are low population and we are talking about this system applying to Xsyon. Thus you brought it up.
Im stating opinion and facts on why they are not the reason why Xsyon and other FFA PVP games are low POP.
No. I said FFA PvP games where there is no coded protection only player policing the servers don't work and have low population. You keep missing this lol. FFA PvP games with coded protection can work, depends on the protection mechanism.
I dont know any game at all ever that only has players policing the server. So Im not understanding your point on that either.
Trench whole idea is about that...lol...if you don't understand the point why do you argue...