Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
how about you just dont get killed? or go out in groups? .

Why do we have to have these artificial systems put into place in a sandbox game? make a list of KOS players on your forums and share with your tribe done. there is talk of a bounty system if that ever gets put in then you can just use that.

just because your not saying your going to do that doesn't me it wont be exploited.

I could just make the player respawn at my totem and kill them over and over and over, take all there stuff and keep killing them.

how even im sure a rebuttle will be put in that says "nah uh, you wont be able to attack them"

again artifician mechanic put into the game that doesn't need to be there.

The only thing i would agree with is if you kill a person you should get a hidden timer like 5:00 minutes, then if you kill another person you would get a additional 5:00 and be open for attack on your homestead->tribe land

that's about the only changes i would like to see, if you kill some one you should loose your immunity for a couple of minutes, then maybe people dont setup ganking totems.
How about you leave your safe zone and change your back packs to public.