I would like to see more purpose for combat. Right now, it's pretty much just predators and preys. But the fact that you can't even loot their inventory makes it pointless.

I would like to see more detail in crafting. Right now, crafting is very dry and also, we are all waiting on the skill cap to kick in. So what am I suppose to do meanwhile? Even though I max out every single craft skills, I wil eventually lose a lot of the work I put in because of the cap? That's just stupid.

I don't really care about NPC questing. Tribe questing is... unnecessary. If you communicate, everyone knows what they have to do.

I want the wars to be eligible. So that we can conquer each other for a purpose, either it be territories or ressources.

I've been crafting the same weapon over 5000 times. If that doesn't scream lack of content, I dont know what does.

Instead of asking for what kind of content we want, let's talk about what kind of content we have.

- We have a poor combat system atm.
- We can build a city, all depending of the amount of dedication you put in and how big you make it, doesn't take that long.
- We have mindnumbing crafting.
- We have some roaming animals that takes me 2 hits to kill.

That's pretty much it that I can think of.