We would like to extend an invite to the new people trying out Xsyon for their first time. If you are still on the ropes about Xsyon, we would be happy to join you on the trial server and invite you to Raven Moon so that you might get a better feel for the tribe mechanics and what we do as a tribe. The trail server will get wiped when the server is reset each week, but you will have the freedom to play around in tribe all you like during that time period.

Most of our tribe members will be on the live server so you will have the run of the place. We will even give you access to things you wouldn't normally have access to without a senior position in tribe

If interested please contact myself or RiverSpirit through the forum message system and we will arrange for a time to meet you in the City of Raven Moon on the trial server.

P.S. I will be going out of town tomorrow and back on the 24th. However feel free to contact me or Riverspirit with any questions, or contact Riverspirit for an invite on trial or live. Hope to see you in game.