Quote Originally Posted by gegezerg View Post
Uhm, ok, so don't you think it's a bit unfair that new players coming in have to pay the game price and then the $15 per month? While others are playing for Free?

That makes people mad.. specially gamers. They should have completed the game then started charging money, not the other way around. They relied too much on the player base to support the game. They promised all these things and gave nothing but a base game. And even after a year have changed nothing.

I mean how hard can it be to add some small things to the game that would make it much better for players to enjoy.. small things like water jugs/buckets, or carts. OR COOKING! My god what MMO does not have Cooking in it? Especially a damn Survival one! lol, they just made a base game charged people for it and took the money and did nothing. The game is dead.
It so hard that a single error, like a wrong character in the code line (just the fact that a space is missing) fucks up the entire code, if not the game. That is what makes it so hard to introduce new things in a game. You really should code before you talk about such things. When huge game firms can do hotfixes in a few days it is because they have a much larger team of people fixing. Second of all I think it is unfair to say they don't do a lot in Xsyon. They put out more new content for each patch than I've ever seen World of Warcraft and similar games do. Not necessarily 'big' content but a lot of small content is constantly being added.

Why are you repeating a discussion from the Public forum in a thread it doesn't even belong in and have you even considered they are working their asses of to make everyone pay to play? Who in their right mind would think a Game Company would let such a thing as free time pass unnoticed. LOL I say.. LOL.