Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
What if I want to specialize in all skills and expect to have best results, like crafting best weapons, armor, tools? etc.....
Why do I have to be restricted to limited skills?
With the right tactic and the right tools I can be "EVERYTHING".

See Znailka the problem with that system is then you have people like me who do everything and then you are obsolete. Right now there is no need for anyone else in game to trade anything with anyone other than me. Or do it themselves.
Tribes have no reason to do anything outside their tribes or interact with anyone because they can do it themselves or goto 1 person who can do everything the best.

Before you were talking about how they need to tone players like me down now you are saying just the other way around that you want everyone to be able to do anything. Doesnt make sense.

Also the problem is Znaiika is that if they make it so YOU can do everything, then everything in the game is going to be too easy for most people, because you play at a lower level than others. So they gear it down to a poor skill level so any player can do anything. That means the advanced or even slightly skilled players get bored and quit because its too easy for them.
It would be like playing Skyrim on super easy mode, you kill monsters in 1 hit. You think it would be fun so you can see all the monsters and do all the magics and weapons, but really people just get bored after an hour and never play it again.

What most people want in an MMO, is to do things as a group, and be part of the whole. Making a name or a place for them.

Wang is saying, yes you can do everything its just not going to be of good quality, thus not really needed outside your own use. If you want to trade stuff outside your own use you will want to start to focus into being a master of a craft. Doing that will limit you down to only a few focus, instead of able to do everything.
Why not able to have everyone do everything? Again because if you can do everything that means I can do everything, being that I'm a better player, or able to play more. You items and play wouldnt be wanted or needed. Plus players like me would get there a lot faster and other players will be like "Why am I working up this skill when everyone has it already?"

Unlike if you had to focus, I would need 30+ accounts just to do all these things.

Class based game does make you focused, but in class based games you CANT do anything else. If you are a warrior you cant choose later to cast magic. Not even a little. Plus you are forced down a line which you might not want.
Wang is wanting people the option to choose just how they want to make a toon. You want to be a club using, tailor, with some scavenging. Great you can do that and do it well. What kinda class would that be called? Then also if you dont like that choice, you can change it later.

Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
For this you need to restrict people from leveling Attributes whatever attributes they choose at creation that will determent their future specialties, otherwise everyone will be "everything" in time.
So let me get this straight, you want people to be forced into what they can and cant do based on the first 5 seconds of the game? On top of that you also want to force people to be only good in a few things? But you dont want it how Wang says?

You should really make up your mind.

Major issue here with stats is they dont change much, and you pick them in the first 5 seconds of the game. So you want to be a good tailor, and you didnt pick the right stats guess what? You will never be a good tailor.