People that don't read and post amaze me... Have you not read the KickStart proposal for development. As stated before in this thread by Azzym and Fatboy this is already part of the plan for the future of Xsyon. It will be split in to 2 servers a PvP and PvE server and existing players will have the option to migrate to the one of their choosing. Stop going on and on about why it should and should not be PvP optional.... Ugh. The actual text reads:

Xsyon: Apocalypse will inhabit two separate worlds (servers).

On one server, players will develop a new world in relative peace without PvP combat.

On one server, players will be able to fight over resources, attack cities and conquer tribes with full loot PvP combat.

This will accommodate different play styles and attract both players that enjoy building new worlds and those that enjoy conquering them."

This can be seen via this link:
if you scroll down to the "Conquest" section.