Quote Originally Posted by Hodo View Post
The sad thing is I am not mad, more comming to a conclusion about what has bothered me about Xsyon since I heard about it several years ago. I didnt bite on the beta bug like so many because I didnt see the point in spending that kind of money for another small indie developer taking on more than they can handle and selling an incomplete product before its 30% done. Nope been down that road with Mortal Online, and wasnt going to repeat it.

I am just wondering why is it that in a game set in a post apocolyptic future, with no power, electricity, gunpowder or anything of the sort. Why I would run around in a set of 19th century frontier style clothing? When in many ways it would be more practical to make basic armor and such out of salvaged metals, or even mail hauburks and Coats of Plates? Why the most efficiant tool for killing man, (in a non-gun or archery society) the sword, isnt in game. Or the most basic if not the oldest weapon in recorded history isnt in game, the spear.
Very simple reason.
Combat is not a major part of what makes Xsyon, Xsyon. Xsyon is about building, and restarting a world. Sadly. Combat is an after thought that has always been poorly done in Xsyon. Its all about the scav'd resources and building.