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  1. #1
    First to make sure everything is clear:

    - Controlling a territory via control totems would give the tribe power over the entire territory (Zephyr, Round Hill) etc. Safety settings and resource bonuses would apply to the entire territory and not just a zone or the area covered by control totems.

    - The control totem areas are just battlegrounds that at first couldn't be terraformed or built on.

    - Resource bonuses would apply only to controlled territories while they are controlled.

    Answers to questions:

    What's going to prevent a tribe from ignoring another tribe’s claim and just finding their own extreme scav area and placing a claim totem there? Ad infinitum.. Where no one really disputes other tribe’s claims but still reaps the resource rewards of their own claims.
    Theoretically various tribes could claim separate territories and leave each other alone without contest. This will depend on the players. I'm sure that some players will want to take over other claims.

    Also, scavenging resources will remain regional and I will likely adjust the balance to make sure that certain resources appear only in certain zones. This would make it desirable for one tribe to control various territories.

    How will claim totems effect tribes existing in the area at time of placement? I can foresee griefers placing totems right up against existing homesteads solely for annoying/ harassing other players.
    Players living in claimed territories but not part of the conquering tribe will have to live with the current setting (Safe or PvP) but will not benefit from the resource bonuses (so resources will be as usual for them). They could ally with the controlling tribe to gain bonuses or they could assist other tribes to take over the territory.

    I don't see how control totems could be used to grief players.

    What happens to the control totems if the attacking force fails?
    The defenders maintain control of the territory.

    If the territory is set to safe, can you place control totems? If yes, how do you kill anyone when trying to take over an area if the area is safe from pvp?
    If the territory is set to safe, it means it's currently under control and no more totems can be placed. When the next 'battle' occurs and a control totem is 'open', the entire territory would be set to PvP while the battle lasts. Uncontrolled territories would always be set to PvP.

    How would you gain access if they used nothing but dirt walls with no way in?
    You can't terraform on control points. If terraforming is later allowed on control points there will need to be restrictions or way for players to destroy the dirt (allow all to terraform for example) during a battle.

    How do you break down buildings if the area is set to safe?
    As above. Nothing would be safe when a battle occurs.

    Does this mean that if a tribe captures my area, my tribe can still use the area, we just can't control the settings of the area? (setting it to safe, pvp, etc)
    Correct. You would need to live with the current setting and you could use the area but wouldn't receive the benefits (unless you were allied with the controlling tribe).

    What else are we not able to control if we lose the area?
    That's all.

    Are there any settings that can be controlled if you lose the area to another tribe?
    I haven't thought of anything, no.

    Once those control totems are placed, they are stuck on my tribe territory forever?
    I could allow the controlling tribe to move or even remove them completely. Also control totems would decay if a controlling tribe decays (in the rare case that would happen).

    What happens exactly when the 4th totem is placed? (your tribe captures the area?)
    Yes. So initially capturing a territory would be easy. Keeping it under control will be the challenge.

    How does a 2nd tribe initiate a takeover if the totems are already placed?
    By taking over the existing control totems when they are 'open'.

    Upon further thought:

    - I think control totems would need to alternate being open. I think it would be too difficult for a single tribe to fend off attackers at multiple control points simultaneously right now.

    - I could set it up so that allies could join and attack together with the control going to the leading (largest) tribe.

    - Yes, things like animal sacrifices would be good upkeep.

    - If at the end of a battle no tribe controls all totems I could set it up so that the territory reverts to free and all control totems are lost, not allowing a tribe to place control totems until the next week (or maybe half a week).

    If you still have questions, just ask. This is a general proposal and of course some of the details need to be worked out and probably adjusted after seeing how it plays out in game.

    I'm hoping that more current War Server players will join in the discussion. Thanks for all the feedback so far!

  2. #2
    1) About Bonuses for holding a controlltotem:
    a.)Fight is in each week on the middle of the week and on Saturday for 2 hours
    b.)Controltotem must be maintaince with products from agriculture(potatoes or other) or Animal things
    c.)Each controlpoints generated daily things what all the tribes needed most and rare resources: example daily 100 dollar...100 rare resources...and 100 nails..and 10 Human bones? (other pieces or daily higher amount additonal,or additional we can put self a wanted daily award!)
    d).if a attacking tribe wins the fight on WEDNESDAY or SADURDAY they can loot/remove the amount of daily generated thing and then they can put the BUTTON DESTROY and set her own controltotem(if the have one free) or the put the BUTTON CHANGE THE OWNER! If you have your controltotems at your limit you can with capture a other controltotem improve your amount of controltotem
    e.)the owner of the controlpoint can put out the daily rewards if the fight/OPEN TIME ends on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY and
    we have also a thing where we can build for EVENTS
    2) Control totems. I think this one could be tied to claim size. A homestead would have to place one control totem; a band would have to place two; a clan three; and a tribe 4.

    3) Claim size. I think 50 x 50 should be minimum claim size especially if you can only hold one territory at a time.

    4) Control totems -open. 2 hour in the middle if the week and 2 hour on Saturday
    5) Control totem -open time. TWO hour sounds appropriate possibly more.

    6) All totems open or alternating. I'd say all open at the same time. From #1 above, a homestead defending a claim would place one totem and defend only that one --possibly against a much larger force. A tribe, with quite a few more members, would have to place 4 totems and defend 4. If this type of totem calculation is used the number of totems needed to claim a territory could be determined instead by the number of active players at the time of claim totem placement --to serve as a slight equalizing factor when a small group is facing a much larger group.

  3. #3
    I dont play on the war server yet but after reading some stuff on here i think a cool idea would be to set up a zone that gives you access to rare recources if you hold. Itd start off as like a 50x50 empty plot and as different tribes own the place it they add more defenses and personality to it. it could be like other people have said twice a week which gives more opportunity to other tribes to take advantage of the recources but enough to time to get what you can out of it for the reigning tribe. utilizing that 1-2 hour invasion window on those two days allows for other tribes to team up or plan attacks and I feel would allow pvp to be centralized without negatively impacting preexisting tribes' plots of lands. Something like that would be cool on the pve server which would be like those server wide pvp events in WoW or ESO only not as often. Essentially like Wintergrasp was in WotLK in World of Warcraft.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quebec Canada
    Hello So i solo and have a big tribe Hope all be abel to use SAFE so no PVP am in low zone

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