Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post

1. It isn't announced how tribe sieges will work. Its only your assumption that it will be FFA PvP. Thats very very unlikely IMO.
2. Absolutely agree. Thats why Jordi plans to add options to build defenses around our towns, walls and gates. If they don't give minimum 95% of protection there will be an uproar for sure.
3. I don't agree.

Check the poll about safe zones in game. 75% of the players voted on keeping them. I know they voted on safe zones during Prelude, not in general, and that forum community doesn't represent the whole game community...still it shows something. Let's say only 50% of the community wants constant safe zones and optional tribe sieges. These 50% will leave if the game turn into a Darkfall type game (which Jordi stated would never happen). The other 50% who wants a free FFA PvP game will leave if the safe zones stay.

Now whats the solution ? I'm sure Jordi don't want to lose half of his playerbase, whichever half would it be. Thats why he stated from the very beginning that if there was a demand, he would set up 2 different servers with different PvP rules, one for FFA and one with safe zones. Is this the best solution ? I don't think so. But better than lose half of the players.

This is what I would like to see after Prelude:
1. The Prelude area stays as it is now, with an option for the tribe to flag for sieges and to switch off their safety.
2. The green mist disappears and that gives us a much bigger playground. Let's say the ancient gods got mad because of the chaos and decided to keep half of the new land safe. That area would be a big safe zone, just like Eve's high sec space. No tribe sieges, a player can attack and kill another one but if he do so an angel appears and insta kill him.
3. The other half of the new land become an outlaw area. Tribes who settle there can siege and kill and destroy each others as much as they like. No PvP penalties there, PvPers can enjoy fighting without any punishment. Resource gathering should result double or triple as much resources as in safe zones to help people to survive there. Outlaw and safe zone players shouldn't be allowed to trade with each others.
There should be rare things which can only be found in the outlaw area. Let's say high level very rare recipe books. This way the safe zones players would go there to search for them giving the opportunity the outlaw players to fight new enemies.

This is only my opinion and my view of course I'm not expecting anyone to agree with it.
Response to your points:

1. It's not my assumption that it will be FFA PVP - it has been stated this way - when I say FFA i'm talking about the ability to attack someone anywhere, even on tribal territory - with consequences of course for being a pk.
3. There will be tribes that go inactive between now and the end of prelude, it's just a matter of time.

Being a "good" tribe isn't going to give your territory a free ticket for not getting pk'd inside your tribe lands after prelude.