You were the one talking about exploring.
I never said we didn't check up on it. Actually we did, multiple times. I've seen you guys and Dark Hands of Valor move in while we were still at our old spot. So, we know you've been there for quite a while. Have we ever discussed your right to be there? Said you couldn't? You are jumping to waay too many conclusions.

How is it not to tell people how to play, when you warn them of tribes, would you want the same deal if you weren't evil? Seriously.

But you didn't even know what happened, obviously. Or you would have know that you guys brought it back up trying to gank the two members that had killed your guy (fair enough), lag came and it was impossible to fight, lag disappeared and we thought now we can fight went to your area and noticed we couldn't hit you inside of it. We disbanded the fight and went back. You guys went back to us, jumped me, from behind. There was a messy battle, one of you ran off, one of us followed. I died, ressed jumped the two guys that were fighting the third Lux member. Killed one of them, died to the other. Fight ended there. I'm pretty sure you guys went for back-up in your camp and were later running around our camp to find us and try to jump us again while we were destroying your trees. (We might have died more times, I don't really care..)
So, can we agree that at least none of us are any better than the other.

Uhm, what word?! You gotta read the sentences and stop putting words in my mouth. It is a very bad way of argumenting. Seriously.
I've said multiple times now, we're not out to start a war, we aren't interested in one, we don't really consider the trash pile ours and that we are neutral.
Do I need to take a puncher from Xsyon and smack you with it until the knowledge of "NOT INTERESTED IN WAR" takes hold? *Oh please say that you get sarcasm..*
I said that by definition of the maximum tribe area, that scrap pile will be included on Lux Arcana territory at some point. At which point you will be encroaching on our territory when scavenging and you won't be able to gather from it. That is just a plain fact.

Did you know that it is common for neighbors to hate each others gut.. I prefer to be friendly and haven't actually provoked any of you. You have however killed me while I was afk. That's the sport, although that is a bit, shameful pvp - still I'm not declaring a war.

Just lighten up a bit instead of being in such a mood. You act like it is the end of the world