Quote Originally Posted by Foreseer View Post
I apologize beforehand for not reading any post beyond the first page, however,
I am personally hoping by terms of "Contested Totems" He means expansion territory.

Say Tribe A: Through Hard labor and grievous pking in their "Evil" Faction earn enough points to gain an expansion totem.
They then decide to place this totem not far out of their tribal territory therefore expanding it with a small node that players can create a small keep or fortress further expanding it by issuing their "Evil" Prestigious points toward it.

Say Tribe B: Becomes aware of A's expansion and decide that they wish to vanquish evil and have enough resources and time to lay siege to A's Expansion. Being a "Good" Tribe they will therefore earn a decent sum of Prestige points and hopefully kill a few evil players to further gain their prestige toward their own "Expansion" territory.

Now with this system it creates pvp economy that everyone can enjoy, and the prestige system can be further implemented into other uses.
City Buffs, and ext.

Sounds great until you think of how people will have "Safe" totems.
Why would I use an expansion totem when I can use a safe totem and keep all the resources and be 100% protected and kill people if they come near it?

They need to have SAFE starting areas DEV made that dont change. Players can then drop totems in these safe areas without worry of being taken over. However, the resources are very limited to basic goods (Trees, water, sand, limestone etc) this would serve as an area for people to learn to build up, also serve as areas for people that dont want to worry about losing their pixels to build and have no worries of PVP.

Anywhere outside these safe starting areas, totems are at risk. You would need to either protect them by force, using money, making allies, or choose areas where people just dont want to take it. That is the only way I can see safe areas working in a game like this. Not doing this will cause exploiting for 1 side or another. I can already think of 100 ways to exploit this safe totem system, making combat totems all but worthless or only needed for random greifing.