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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere
    Because those were the two games he knew had a FPS orientated aiming and twitch gameplay?..
    I got no idea..

    And no it isn't mid-alpha stage. it isn't beta. We passed that a loong time ago.

    It is Prelude stage. Adding to the already content stage, making the game more advanced.
    - Doing what most firms do in an MMO.. Fix bugs, add more stuff etc.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by VeryWiiTee View Post
    Because those were the two games he knew had a FPS orientated aiming and twitch gameplay?..
    I got no idea..

    And no it isn't mid-alpha stage. it isn't beta. We passed that a loong time ago.

    It is Prelude stage. Adding to the already content stage, making the game more advanced.
    - Doing what most firms do in an MMO.. Fix bugs, add more stuff etc.
    I think you should really check out the definitions of alpha and beta. This game is NOT even close to being in beta..
    "Beta is the software development phase following alpha (beta is the second letter of the ancient Greek alphabet, used as the number 2. It is not nowadays usual to speak of a later gamma test). It generally begins when the software is feature complete. "

    "FEATURE COMPLETE" ... do you really think all the game features are in yet? .. If so what about cooking? taming? etc.. etc. lots of things are not present yet in the game.. Hence there is no way the game can be considered "In beta" The game is in a Alpha state and your kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

    Beta is for final testing of bugs before official "Release"

    Check this out.. Its the life-cycle of software development.

    "As the Internet has allowed for rapid and inexpensive distribution of software, companies have begun to take a more loose approach to use of the word "beta".[4] Netscape Communications was infamous for releasing alpha level versions of its Netscape web browser to the public and calling them "beta" releases"

    Just because a company says its "Beta" etc doesn't mean it actually is.. More often then not companies are forced to put out their games due to monetary issues. They call their products "beta" etc to draw people in..

    etc etc

    As for the OP.. While i am not a rabid supporter of PVP.. I do like to do it once in a while.. You make a lot of good points.. And i like the Dev's responces, You can't have a pure pvp sandbox and survive in the game market. Lets face facts , Only a very few people ever pvp full time. you just can not do it. Mainly due to being killed all the time. If you don't have some sort of "safe zone" what winds up happening is nothing gets done except one big gank fest and people wind up quitting.

    Sure the gank fest would be fun.. As long as your skills are high and you have lots of friends.. If your a new player you would be screwed.. And that's basicaly what some people want.. Sense their skills are already up what do they care if some new player can't do anything?? Its the entire reason behind some peoples rabid pro pvp stances here.. They want a advantage over new players and do not want anyone to be able to challenge them.. (its a human trait to want to get some sort of advantage).

    etc etc

  3. #3
    i want new entropia universe open pvp / full loot ( i quit long time ago , but i keep reading updates )

  4. #4
    You get it don't you Wolf.

    ddt and dub seem to need new batteries in their hearing aids...

    I have not said ANYWHERE I wanted pvp gone or to not be a part of this game.

    I always say ( pay attention guys ) PvP make for more excitement.

    I am just extremely tired of seeing the same 2-3 people rant on and on about what they think will fix this game, and when folks don't agree with them they twist the op's words to appear that they support their view.

    ddt and Dub do NOT speak for all the players.. maybe for a small and dwindling % of players... maybe

    I will say it very plainly for those with inflated ego's...

    PvP is and should be a part of this game.

    PvE players are also supposed to be a part of this game.

    I agree with Jordi's stated vision for this game and will support his efforts.

    I am not a fanboi nor am I blind to things that are broken or need fixing, like the invisible walls I run into crossing the middle of zones .. Nor am I going to waste play time arguing with fools.

    I am succeeding quite well in this game and continue to enjoy playing.

    I do not personally want a rehash of the same tired game mechanics and do not believe what 2-3 want will make this game better. Disagree all you want, because it wont matter ... My style of player will still be here long after those whining the most are gone.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    You get it don't you Wolf.

    ddt and dub seem to need new batteries in their hearing aids...

    I have not said ANYWHERE I wanted pvp gone or to not be a part of this game.

    I always say ( pay attention guys ) PvP make for more excitement.

    I am just extremely tired of seeing the same 2-3 people rant on and on about what they think will fix this game, and when folks don't agree with them they twist the op's words to appear that they support their view.

    ddt and Dub do NOT speak for all the players.. maybe for a small and dwindling % of players... maybe

    I will say it very plainly for those with inflated ego's...

    PvP is and should be a part of this game.

    PvE players are also supposed to be a part of this game.

    I agree with Jordi's stated vision for this game and will support his efforts.

    I am not a fanboi nor am I blind to things that are broken or need fixing, like the invisible walls I run into crossing the middle of zones .. Nor am I going to waste play time arguing with fools.

    I am succeeding quite well in this game and continue to enjoy playing.

    I do not personally want a rehash of the same tired game mechanics and do not believe what 2-3 want will make this game better. Disagree all you want, because it wont matter ... My style of player will still be here long after those whining the most are gone.

    I dont know what part I "dont" get but, I speak my mind, I give my opinion and I give the data.
    I try not to speak for everyone, but sometimes it happens. Sometimes people ask me to post something because I can express my and their ideas.
    Do I want the game to be made I want? Of course. I also expect that I wont get it 100% how I want. I express my views of how I want, and I debate them into why I would like them. If you dont want something the way I want it express and explain why you dont want them. Use data and facts to support why.

    So far what you have posted here is really just you upset because someone else is posting their ideas and you dont like their ideas, but have yet to express a better way or why you dont like them.

    I agreed with Jordis vision. However that vision has changed. Im expressing why or why not I agree or disagree with those changes.

    I dont know who you are calling a fool, but most people posting Ive seen are trying to weigh in on the topics that matter.

    I believe that 2 - 3 want will make this game better, considering there is only 3 or 4 devs I would think it would be understandable that few can help a lot.

    Your style of player have quit also, just as others have quit. Im not saying only your style of player have quit just saying many have quit.

    This game has issues and its not just a PVE issue and its not just a PVP issue.
    Heck from this topic I dont even know what you want.

    Ive been here longer than you, and I will be here longer than you, fighting the fight to keep the game alive and giving my opinion on how I think it should be done. Good thing I love about the devs is they listen to well thought out posts and do adapt.

  6. #6
    It's not DF vs MO vs Xsyon...

    It's simply... games that give freedom and meaning that work vs games that give freedom and meaning that don't. I'm talking about design decisions for the future, not current. I think Xsyon will work better than DF or MO do once Xsyon has been out as long as they have been currently (talking about from development and onward...DF was in development for a very very long time).

  7. #7
    i say let he pvpers have the game their way. Then when it dies, devs will know that the carebears make games thrives, pvpers die off due to players getting bored. pve pays the bills. and if u all say im full of crap WOW's 11 mill subs will slap ya in the face or say even rifts,eve and several other games that thrive off of pve content. But hey u want a full pvp griefering paradise by all means do it. but when it fails, blame those who wanted it and yourself. Carebears stick around and keep bills going. been proven in all games atm. Casual pvp is wat the world wants, and a very very small number care about the griefing world and they dont even stick around long in any game. they usually troll the fourms to force a game their way n when it happens they still dont return. ive played over 100 mmo's i seen what works and what doesn. Someday all of you here will realize that and sum will refuse to accept it and push their own ideas when in the end they are wrong also. Jordi the plans u had with launch, go with those and for the love of god ignore the community. We will kill this game. we kill all games.

  8. #8
    Heya Fatboy - Gotta say that yep crush players hate to hear it but pve does pay the bills.

    Wolfgar, I am not anywhere near the carebear they think I am. I too look forward to the time where my efforts and time has been used to make it really hard for a raider to affect me. To me, that is exactly where this game needs to go.. it's where I thought it was going.. still hope it does.

    Jordi, please continue on with your plan. stick to your guns, but allow the dynamic of the playerbase to change if it needs to, and advertise to those that will keep you funded, not to the very ones that want you to drop YOUR idea for theirs.

    Added after 10 minutes:

    ill, I can't save a game any better than you can.

    It is up to the developers.

    Here is the difference between me and you. I will keep playing and paying to support what i think will be great later... You on the other hand, stop playing because the mean developers didn't do it your way, then instead of just moving on, you and others spend your days trying to waylay and battle those on the forums, trying to convince all how dumb they makes of the game are and belittle anyone that has an opposing viewpoint.

    At least I'm not flailing at the wind. I have been collecting resources in anticipation of what Jordi does next I can't wait

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    One reason I have not tired very much to counter your comments ddt is you will just spin it to try and support your ideas..
    Uhm, its called a that's what needs to happen! You coming here, making a huge post about stuff, then not be willing to SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENT really gets translated as you simply crying.

    If you cannot create a supportive argument for the things you are suggesting...then why even bother suggesting anything? Dubs is one of the best "debaters" available to these forums and DDT isnt far behind. They dont simply spin an argument for their own benefit...they do so because they can PROVE the other side wrong.

    This whole thread simply makes you look like another whiner poster in another whiner thread without contributing anything constructive or positive. Way to help out imo.

    *First post by me here in a loooong while!

    Added after 8 minutes:

    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy21007 View Post
    i say let he pvpers have the game their way. Then when it dies, devs will know that the carebears make games thrives, pvpers die off due to players getting bored. pve pays the bills. and if u all say im full of crap WOW's 11 mill subs will slap ya in the face or say even rifts,eve and several other games that thrive off of pve content. But hey u want a full pvp griefering paradise by all means do it. but when it fails, blame those who wanted it and yourself. Carebears stick around and keep bills going. been proven in all games atm. Casual pvp is wat the world wants, and a very very small number care about the griefing world and they dont even stick around long in any game. they usually troll the fourms to force a game their way n when it happens they still dont return. ive played over 100 mmo's i seen what works and what doesn. Someday all of you here will realize that and sum will refuse to accept it and push their own ideas when in the end they are wrong also. Jordi the plans u had with launch, go with those and for the love of god ignore the community. We will kill this game. we kill all games.
    I wish they would give about 20 of the hardcore playerbase an administrative/testing ability on another mirrored server as the current server. Then give them full reign of how the mechanics will be implemented and done. I PROMISE you, the game we created would fill a niche and be massively successful. Why? Because there is NOTHING like that out there currently.

    There are droves of pve-centric games available on the market. Why would anyone choose this in a massively flooded pve market? Apparently, not that many judging by a few minutes ago when I logged out...Carebear world is fail, log in and see. No reason to debate that, simply login to do see for yourself.

    THIS community has already "killed" this game. THIS community also has about a 5:1 ratio of carebear/pvper from what I can tell. That judgment is from everything ive seen in game, from forums to in game people. Lack of working content and repetitive boring-ness is to blame, not the pvper that is simply trying to help it.

  10. #10
    I really don't want this game to insert anything from MO OR DF. Xyson IS NOT a Fantasy or a Sci-Fi game, so it should forge it's own path.

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