Two weeks have passed since the survivor came to the Raven Moon tribe, and it has been an enjoyable time. The survivor has gotten to know Brynshildr, and has even convinced her to join him on his journey when he leaves. It has been long enough, though, of a stay. The survivor has lost track of time. His journey was behind track, and he had to get moving. The air was brisk in the morning light, the shaking and rustling of the trees let out of chorus for our hero, the survivor, as he and his new companion set out for adventure. The sounds of nature, of the birds chirping in tune with one another; the squirrels running through the canopy, the streams flowing through the land. It was fall now, and the trees were a vibrant array of colors. Though nature has changed much in such a short period of time, there was still a subtle beauty to it. It was one of the joys of being a nomad, being able to see nature like this, and how it changes in distant lands. The crunching of dried leaves and grass, and the occasional cobble of footstep on the roads as the travelers trekked across the land. Many days they spent under the moonlit sky. The chill of Winter was coming, though, and soon. Patches of white could be seen around the land. The survivor knew that he must carry on with more haste, or he would be marooned in winters cold embrace.

It wasn't until after many days of traveling that the party came across a traveler, much like them. But he was not seeking fortune or fame, no, this traveler had a story to tell. The survivor approached the man, and got a good look at him. He wore a farmer's grass hat to block the sun from his eyes. His body was lean, and shorter than the survivor's. He had a small goatee and more a refined, almost curly mustache. His face was grim, his shoulders more narrow, and he wore little even though there was chill in the air. This man only carried a small cloth bag with him, almost like the survivor's, but more ornate. He took noticed of the parties arrival, and bowed. The survivor approached him, and said,"Hail traveler. What brings you to this part of the woods?". The traveler replied,"Hallo adventurers. Mah name's Dubhghall. Ah traveled far to seairch for mah kin.". Dubhghall regaled the party with his tale of how he became separated from his family, Dubhghall was born the bastard son of a businessman from days long past. He remembers the old age before the catastrophe, how cities made of steel and rock supported a population that choked the Earth. During the wars and aftermath that followed, somewhere along the way, he lost his family. He learned many skills during his search, and has often had to apply them. After weaving his tale, Dubhghall finally asked, "So, if ya dun mind mah askin'... Wha' brings ye tah aht here?". The survivor thought for a moment, then said, "We've traveled many days in search of the forgotten past. Of old ruins that could help us build a new future." The traveler looked calmly at the pair of wanderers, and spoke, "If ya be lookin' fer another on yer travels, Ah may be willin' tah travel with ya. It seems we're headin' da same direction anyways, so it seems na problem." The survivor absently nodded, and shook this man's hand.

Even though they had just met, the survivor felt that he had made a new friend this day. And with that, his travels continued, ever onward to adventure.