Of the 6 in our group that got the preorder, I know 3 canceled right after the first failed start. One reactivated his Eve account and likely canceled Xyson and #5 I haven't seen since the that failed start.

I talked to one of them yesterday and he said the rampid pvp system is part of what drove him away.

So between our two groups, that's only 4 out of 42? And I'm loosing interest quickly also. Tried to go out looking for some animals last night and where jumped by 4 thinking they need to protect their little jump piles or some stupid thing. Like I'm going to lug their junk across zones when my land is right on the edge of a good sized pile and there are several more right around.

Wurm has 2 servers, wild and freedom. wild basicly follows the same rules as xyson, you can kill anyone anytime, even kill on their deed if you can take out their guards first. You can drain the token (totem) to disband the deed which cost real money to buy the in game money for the token. Freedom is no pvp. Guess which server is over crowded.