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  1. #1
    I think that the terrain is designed to eventually generate back to trash. If you kept lowering the terrain, then there would make unnecessary holes in the game. Also, I'm not sure if you're inferring that resources should deplete, but that sort of feature would cause many problems. I believe the current system scatters random materials in junk piles, but they can be temporary depleted if players keep picking for them in the same area. This is probably just a way keep players moving around rather than having them suffer from boredom. The reason it probably turns into dirt, is to indicate that there isn't any materials for you to pick from which makes sense because if nothing is there, then why is there still trash on the ground? I think this is a case of gameplay vs realism, gameplay needs to win this battle. Material depletion will be critical for tribes, towns, and just about everyone. Holes will also ruin the environmental appeal.

  2. #2
    Currently the world update feature is not turned on. So for now, trees or grass do not grow back or dirt spots on scrap piles heal.

    Once it is turned on, these things will begin to happen. Sometime after that, item damage and decay will be implemented. As far as I know, collected resources will not decay through the world update.

    The world update may be turned on in the next couple of weeks, if no major issues appear creep in before that time.

  3. #3
    Trenix, notice that I said it would only lower down to ground level, then be permanently depleted. I agree that giant craters in the map would be a negative feature.

    Thanks for clearing that up Sophia, that pretty much makes it a moot point.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    still it would add a nice visual effect

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Lead_poisoning View Post
    Trenix, notice that I said it would only lower down to ground level, then be permanently depleted. I agree that giant craters in the map would be a negative feature.

    Thanks for clearing that up Sophia, that pretty much makes it a moot point.
    Must of not noticed that, however it would be strange to see trash terrain rise out of nowhere once it was regenerated. In addition, right after you pick out a trash pile, there is more trash under you. So does that mean that a player could forever grind the same spot? Some piles are huge...

  6. #6
    Junk piles dont come back.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyip View Post
    Junk piles dont come back.
    Not yet.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by trenixdecease View Post
    Not yet.
    Junk piles will not come back

  9. #9
    This is a Great idea.
    Junk piles should never have a replenish, this would kill the setting of the game. But, if piles lowered to the ground level around them that would add realizim to the game. These Trash heaps are supposed to be the remains of ancient cities and areas of development. Ancient ruins and debris don't replenish after they are used and cleared.
    Now I could understand Junk piles forming around tribes and tribal territory. That would make sense. As tribes survive throughout the years, there would be a considerable amount of waste build up. Maybe we could get a Tribal Dump or Waste storage that we could use as a means to replenish scrap tiles. "Trash Farming" if you will, would allow tribes that have exhausted their available scrap resources to remain active in crafting without transport or trade.

  10. #10
    Just some cents on 'trash regrow' …
    I don't think waste resources should regenerate ... instead we should be able to build everything from scratch sooner or later. They should deplete much much slower though.

    So at some point in the distant future there should be no more usable waste left, other than ofc 'player generated'

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