Quote Originally Posted by Haunt View Post
I love to PK, but I agree that fists should not do the same dmg as an axe.
fists are OP, they have a chance to stun and do decent damage, on top of the fact that i risk losing no weapon (ignoring the lame soulbound preorder weapons that never decay)

The drawback to evil intention pvp should be ONLY the fact that you draw recognition amongst your peers as such. Your living in a fantasy world if you think all the pvpers are going to be evil assholes and that none are going to take the role of PKK or player killer killer....the police force of the good are usualy the better pvpers, and the good aligned tribes will have more members, craft more goods and be seen more often. If your a notorious asshole pvpers, you will become known, people should refuse to trade good, give you refuge....sighting of you should be broadcasted in global (oh wait another benefit of global chat you say?) as to attract as many pkers to that guy as possible. Its should be the world against him.
Thats how things work in a sandbox, self regulating community. Its why if your a ganker you should be respectful of those you kill.