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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
    It's about land grab, big tribes already have problems with finding big enough spot. Some of them will have to wait for land expansion.
    But there's plenty of good spots for homesteads, don't take tribe's spots and no one will have a problem with your homestead.
    Plenty of good spots for tribes,don't take homestead spots and no one will have a problem with your tribe.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by kiwiitis View Post
    Plenty of good spots for tribes,don't take homestead spots and no one will have a problem with your tribe.
    Heh, in 4 hour exploration I found one spot for medium size tribe(25-30 players) without a scrap pile and several close by. In the same time I found around 20 good spots for homesteads with scrap piles.

  3. #3
    So baiscally what people are saying is that there are really no advantages for homesteads? or tribes? well from what i am reading no one seems to be coming up with anything solid...just opinions on how they themselves operate.

    So both sound pretty equal. The only decent statment was " don't take tribe's spots and no one will have a problem with your homestead" this seems the best way to go for me. and if i do take a tribes sopt i would expect them to force me off somehow or maybe deal with me.

    What i would hate to hear is the usual crybaby " we should be allowed that spot because we scouted it out in BETA "
    That stuff just drives me nuts, damn carebear tribes should go and play some other game!....hehe only joking.

  4. #4
    ok, let's talk pro/cons


    pros: (As tribe) biger impact on world, tribal features(not sure what yet, probably currency, taxes, more trading options, etc.), (as member) access to many different quality items, more people to play with.
    cons: HUUUUGE demand on resources, you may not know all members, limited freedom by tribal laws.

    I'll leave tribal warfare as pro/con, It's a matter of opinion.


    pros: freedom(you can do what you want, build where you want), if you play with friends, close community.

    cons: small area, hard to master your profession(you need to do multiple things), you have to trade with others for high quality items(hard if you don't have any high quality items for trade or you are master in one skill), you have to split time between what you want to do and what you need to do.

    Homestead is a good chioce for hunters, farmers, animal tammers/herders. You supply tribes with what they need, and buy what you need.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
    ok, let's talk pro/cons


    pros: (As tribe) biger impact on world, tribal features(not sure what yet, probably currency, taxes, more trading options, etc.), (as member) access to many different quality items, more people to play with.
    cons: HUUUUGE demand on resources, you may not know all members, limited freedom by tribal laws.

    I'll leave tribal warfare as pro/con, It's a matter of opinion.


    pros: freedom(you can do what you want, build where you want), if you play with friends, close community.

    cons: small area, hard to master your profession(you need to do multiple things), you have to trade with others for high quality items(hard if you don't have any high quality items for trade or you are master in one skill), you have to split time between what you want to do and what you need to do.

    Homestead is a good chioce for hunters, farmers, animal tammers/herders. You supply tribes with what they need, and buy what you need.
    Now this is more like it

    With the spacing issue for Tribes and also resources i am hoping and guessing that once more land opens up and mines etc this should become less of a problem.

    As for your comments on homesteaders, it seems they are going to need to use thier diplamacy skills to gain any kind of foothold as thier skills/resources could hold them back.

    Will be interesting to see just what kind of people take on the role as the solo player.

  6. 03-08-2011, 08:21 AM

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