740 mostly the same. Many smaller animals, racoons, chickens, rats all around. specially racoons and coyotis show group behavior. Chickens and Rats run around lonelty, maximum 2 at a time from what i found now. Up to the mountains i found good old Dears in different sizes and squirrels. Oh and a lonely Hamster. The Racoons has created a family at a junkyard, always 3-4 racoons different sizes runs around there.

I would guess around 30-40 animals in this zone. I really dont try to kill them all, so they can breed ^^

A other guy told he had found a Rabbit, but thats unconfirmed.

I found only 1 animal that is stucked and this is because it ran into a very thig group of rocks. Seems like it stucks between 2 rocks.