Quote Originally Posted by inhabit View Post
ok, was just a bit confusing when looking through other threads, so basically they want their own place and and will interact and trade with others.
I had the thought they wanted to craft/collect/ everthing themselves with no help and no interaction lol therefore didnt see the point in being online.
I think there are those, but they're not as common as some would have you believe.

In my experience, and from having tried to engage some of them just to better understand, I *think* you'll find many of the alleged hermits do have a couple of friends in game from real life. They're online because they like the game, and they like having that in common with their real life friends/family.

Seems legit to me, personally.

I've chosen to live in a homestead rather than join a tribe. I've had some great offers to join from some really cool folks. I hate turning them down... but much as Jadzia said, there's always issues that crop up in guilds/tribes etc.

If I have the chance to be social while being able to go home to my own place with a cozy fire and be able to have some quiet time, well that's just the best of all worlds to me. I've had very friendly neighbors in the past and was very helpful to them. Those were some of the best times I've had in game, and it doesn't require the loss of my autonomy.