Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
If I go on their land, is that really PVP?
I cant even fight back.

I'm not saying they can't PVP they said they can't (or you are someone is but its not me).
I PVP just about everyday, yes I have issues but I do it. But my point is that it doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you don't PVP you are not a PVP tribe its a simple fact. If you say they PVP that's another story.

PVP doesnt = Griefer just FYI. So Im not sure why you bringing that up. PVP has to do with fighting other players, pitting your skills vs theirs.
Are you saying that they dont Pvp as in go kill people and take their stuff? most of us dont do that right now because of the lack of players, we do however fight each-other to train or see where we are at with our skills. Mercs have come over to Legion and vice versa (closest tribe to us, 3 zones) to do that, other than that there is not many people out there for them to fight with for items to trade with others. not sure what the point of this thread is, a bit absurd if you ask me.