[QUOTE=fatboy21007;96475]Listen up tribes, Some of us been here forever, some are new, Lets all stick together to help the homesteaders out and well everyone. Use this thread or you can make another to post dates when you plan to hunt, and then folks ingame can join ya, Also homesteaders use this thread to post about Zombie infestations your having issues with and we will all see wat we can do about giving them another dirt nap :-P. So far i roam the world alot killin zombies where i findem and when new folks ask me too, Figure this will help all out as i know alot of new folks wanna hunt but cant due to skills not good enough. No flaming or derailing here!


The Preatorian Guard- zone 896- pos 900-830[/QUOTE]

Great Message, fatboy.

I know the Raven Moon tribe hunts every Sunday at 7pm Eastern time, which is around 12pm or so EST (australia). Always good fun, and grief-free. We usually get 7-8 members on a normal roam and would welcome others.

I'm also available most nights (EST Australia Time) if people want to tag along on small game hunts to raise their hunting/weap skills. I usually bother with anything too big, but it's a good way to get experience in combat etc. People helped me when I started, so I figure it's only right to pay it forward.

Contact Epistaxis in game for a chat.