Quote Originally Posted by PanStargazer View Post
I understand that there is frustration with delays in anticipated features. However, there is no concealment of the fact that this game is in development and may remain so indefinitely. One joins it with an understanding that it may never be completed. If that was not acceptable to you, you should not have signed up. There is no deception or broken contract.
Back before the game was released for early access, there are many promises that were broken. I would agree with you after a year or 2 of release I can see how people could have been warned about these things. But when the game first was released (and pre release) many things were supposed to be in the game. They were not, then later the promises that they would come into the game, and 7+ years later we are still waiting.

This is not being spoiled. This is a broken statement of what the game was to have in it and become. I'm not talking about stuff that he says he is "working on" but things that were said to be IN the game or soon after release were going to be in the game.

Heck he even delayed the release to give us animals. He almost released the game with no animals at all.