In response to the guide generated tribe, they were supposed to have been removed a while ago, there were several others that were. The developer missed those, they are being removed. It is not the intention of the developer for Guides to run the game, it is for the players to do. And you are completely right, there is no need for PvP arenas on the PvE server. They are a legacy item from when the server was copied over from the PvP server and as an oversight not all had been removed.

That is being revisited and dealt with. Hopefully, this time, all of the Guide tribes will be removed as they serve no purpose. Any Guide driven activity can and should be occurring on Founders. Thank you for the input Pwnuts, it brought our focus back to those tribes that we somehow missed. Please understand that the developer has an immense amount of tasks on his to do list and many of the things he must do are not readily visible to the players. For instance, all of the coding that was required to allow his game to be compatible as required with the Steam infrastructure. This all takes time and every bug, email from a player and other issue like missing carts and such, greatly detract from coding productivity.

We greatly appreciate the quality input from you players and rest assured, we do read these things and take them into consideration in decision making processes.

Thank you again for being a part of Xsyon.