Quote Originally Posted by Ulfred View Post
7 years later still on steam greenlight? I've been looking into this but I gotta ask; can you truly advise this game thats been in pre-release for this long?

I was debating buying this but after looking at the dead forums where this is the only post from this year and watching videos that show a baron lifeless game, I got to wonder, what is the population of the servers?

Is this game truly big enough to have a pve and pvp server?

Even Haven & Hearth has a free to play model; "No money? No problem! Haven & Hearth is mostly a free game, and if it's worth nothing to you, you don't have to pay us anything for it. For the fair price of a song we are already providing you with the above."

Its kinda crazy to me to see a game without a free to play option if they desperately need players. I mean $32 for a dead game is asking alot if you ask me, its a larger risk than most are willing to do for a game they may not like cuz nobody plays it, they should have it around $10-15 or a free to play option with some kinda disability like maybe slower exp gain or stats to stay current to the times.

Cuz I'd like to try this, maybe I'd like it, maybe I'd pay the $32 after trying it, but I'm having a hard time justifying paying that right now for something I haven't even tried, that by all accounts seems to be a dead game even a couple years ago.

This game had a free to play option, it didnt work. It didn't work so much it drove paying people away. It was changed to pay to own. You buy 1 account and you can play forever, no monthly. It's not doing bad for itself as it's still here. The issue currently with this game is lack of updates and lack of advertising.
Xsyon is good for a sandbox, it's really one of the best sandboxes on the market. It's just got some updates it needs done to give it better direction and it needs to be relisted as released/updated so people can check it out.

Free to play is not a good option for this type of game though.