Quote Originally Posted by Haunt View Post
OK, this seems so simple to implement and makes complete sense to me. Let us build workshops or mills where we can bring raw materials to them and produce desired items!

For example, bring scrap metal, place it in the bin at the Nail Workshop and it will produce X number of nails per scrap metal. Bring scrap metal to the rivet workshop, and do the same thing. Have a mill that will accept raw cloth scraps and it will mix them together and produce a single type of cloth fabric (this will eliminate having 20 stacks of different cloth). Etc. etc. etc.
I like this idea, perhaps make it 'cost' 2 units of metal x for the metal the stations produces, that way people could decide if they want to labor to have more metal overall or speed for metal they want. I would like to see something similar for scavenging skills. I savanged from 25-43 and only got two metal buckles!