So far so good.

Any chance we can get campfires to increase HP regen more, and food / water to increase regen more?

Currently takes me about 3 mins to go from 1hp to max HP using 50% food, 50% thirst, and next to a campfire.

Moving or doing any action your HP ever regens.
Low thrist/hunger not near a campfire takes me close to 10mins to regen my HP from 1 to max.

I would also like to see increase range on the campfires.

I also believe campfires last to long based on the wood source. 40 to 50 hours for 1 piece of firewood is a very long time.

I would also like to see quality of the firewood larger effect the duration of the campfire, it seems to have little effect.

In the tutorial it talks about "Legendary" items. I've never seen these in game, is there a plan to have a new tier of items in the game? How do we get this? Can you tell us more about what this means?

The Peace server vs the War server seems to be updated with different patches, I'm not sure what the deal is with that, is this something planned to not update the War server anymore? It's missing some of the newer changes that the Peace server has.

Can we lower the weight of flint slightly? Currently it will bog people down a good bit for something most people will want to carry around.

Foraged food seems to give very very very little hunger when eating this, is this because cooking/food is coming out that will replace it? Or do you expect us to just use fish as the main food source?