Try as you may, sometimes you will find people not willing to let go even if you are willing to and even trying to. Just because I did someone a favor a while back by giving them some cheap tools to get started, they felt the need to return the favor and then some. She braved all the mutated beasts that are between her and I and found her way to my camp. The visit was nice but she came to do more then visit, she came to work and work she did. She single-handedly built 75% of my barricaded wall around my camp. She would have done all of it but I was not done planting tree along the south edge of my camp. She then cut about 10, probably more, willow trees between my camp the the river nearby so that the mutated beast could not hide and ambush me while I run to the river daily for water. She even raided the camp full of the dead bringing back weapons, tools and clothing. As if that wasn't enough, she had seen an abandoned wagon on the way up. So she went back and brought that to my camp as well. She wanted to build a tent for me but lacked the supplies. So after a hard days work, we said our goodbyes and she returned home.

The next day I finished the southern edge of my camp planting trees and inserting barricades in between them. I finished it off by building a gate. There is a good chance that the trees will grow around my gate and prevent it from working. So I am pretty sure I will have to redo some of this. It is like I always have these brilliant ideas but there is always something I failed to take into consideration which causes me to rethink and redo a lot of what I am doing.

Much to my surprise my friend returns on the 3rd day and builds me a tent. It is awesomeness to the max. It comes with shelves I can put baskets in. I can also just place baskets on the ground inside the tent if the shelves get full. I can even hide in it in case some beast does manage to get into my camp. Now that I have storage, I quickly craft all them logs into more usable products. I store them away for future use.

In spite of me wanting to be alone, my friend did talk me into joining her along with 4 others in a friendly game of Capture the Flag. I may have been the biggest person there, but I was also the slowest. And I ran out of energy much sooner then the rest who have been running around these woods for years. My team still managed to win which they could have done anyway without me. They were so much stronger and faster then I. I remember my friend asking me if I had any goals. That right there is my goal. To run like the wind. A big man like me running as fast as those little guys? Now that would be a sight to see.

It is winter now and snow covers the ground. I wanted to start a garden but will wait till the spring thaw. Until then I will now concentrate on making tools, armor and weapons.

I am so happy to have friends that it is almost tempting to relocate back to the lake. However I know me being me, something will just drive me back out here. So I stay here, here in the shadows.